Thursday, April 24, 2008

it's so easy being green

check this out: TKWA is blowing up the internets!

They won a huge AIA /COTE Top Ten Green Projects Award for 2008 for the Aldo Leopold Legacy Center in Wisconsin - LEED Platinum building - totally zero carbon footprint.

“This building does things that people are dreaming about,” said Rick Fedrizzi, president of the U.S. Green Building Council. “There are people out there saying, ‘Somehow, somewhere a building will be able to do that.’ This building is doing it today.”

wanna know more about the project?

wanna know more about the firm?

playing songs bringing tears to my eyes

So he came on stage - and all I could do is laugh and smile becuase i my head - I kept thing - OMG - it's Elvis Costello!!! I was high-school-freaking-out a little bit... THEN his second song was this:Link

yeah - I just about lost it. We had fantastic seats - but can there really be a bad seat there? Thanks Hammy for coming with me!

Oh - yeah, he played this too (sigh):

And I couldn't help myself - the Hatch Show Print poster was amazing for this show - I had to buy it!

Sunday, April 20, 2008

what I learned on Saturday

"you can only have one thing off the table
no more than one per person!"
surprisingly stingy on the give-aways
I chose the jungle stickers

Who knew this was here!
They did.
(and yes, Chris did too)

This is the place elephants go to die
and no, you can't go visit
(and their newsletter is called Trunklines - clever, no!)

Spelunkers rather you call it caving -
and are also very excited to have new people join their group

wanted to learn more about this whole raw food thing - but the group that was hosting that table seems a little tweaked out on something - could it have been too much wheatgrass?

and it's always good to buy local produce -
I think that was the main go-home message from the day.

oh - and kettle corn is delicious. Thanks Chris for coming with me!

Saturday, April 19, 2008

i want my mtv

this & that



ah.... yes.... (sigh)

luv for the fam'

my better-half has been working on some insane grant (?) for the past 10 million hours - all I know is that if he gets this, things will be good - and I can finally get back on the Mac to blob. He set me up with the lab lap-top at the kitchen table tonight - so I can get caught up on some things.


These Bucky's have been all over the interwebs lately
and deserve a shout-out here in ShleeNN:latest article
by Alison
after reading it, all I wanted to do was write a book for those kids - in fact, I think I will!
(Be expecting a phone call soon to discuss)

Feature story on PBS about Char and his BFF Sedar
(totally rocked it Char - I'm sure the Zulu's would be proud)

And of course

a BIG shout out to the one who inspired it all

Thank you for introducing me to the art of the blob!!!
and ps -I totally remember going to the museum with you and discovering this artist together - whenever I see his work, I think of you

I truly lucked out with all'ya'lls!

there is no other music

For the dozen or so of you who actually read this blob -
I can't help but post about my latest obsession:

I cannot stop listening to this album

(omg - it's stop motion - I'm freaking out just a little... ummm... yeah)

We went to the show here in town last Tuesday night - tiny venue that only holds about 500 or so people (sold out in 4min!) - hands down, best concert I have ever been to. The local rag here had a decent review - jaw dropping, heart stopping, rocking amazing show!

I don't know how I can ever go to another concert after this one.

go - get this - download it - put it in your ipod - do whatever you can - your ears will thank you!

Thursday, April 10, 2008

no one tell Josh...

Pouncer Pouncer the wonder-cat
I'm so glad you're not a rat
or a bat
or too fat
or something like that!