Saturday, April 19, 2008

luv for the fam'

my better-half has been working on some insane grant (?) for the past 10 million hours - all I know is that if he gets this, things will be good - and I can finally get back on the Mac to blob. He set me up with the lab lap-top at the kitchen table tonight - so I can get caught up on some things.


These Bucky's have been all over the interwebs lately
and deserve a shout-out here in ShleeNN:latest article
by Alison
after reading it, all I wanted to do was write a book for those kids - in fact, I think I will!
(Be expecting a phone call soon to discuss)

Feature story on PBS about Char and his BFF Sedar
(totally rocked it Char - I'm sure the Zulu's would be proud)

And of course

a BIG shout out to the one who inspired it all

Thank you for introducing me to the art of the blob!!!
and ps -I totally remember going to the museum with you and discovering this artist together - whenever I see his work, I think of you

I truly lucked out with all'ya'lls!

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