Sunday, April 20, 2008

what I learned on Saturday

"you can only have one thing off the table
no more than one per person!"
surprisingly stingy on the give-aways
I chose the jungle stickers

Who knew this was here!
They did.
(and yes, Chris did too)

This is the place elephants go to die
and no, you can't go visit
(and their newsletter is called Trunklines - clever, no!)

Spelunkers rather you call it caving -
and are also very excited to have new people join their group

wanted to learn more about this whole raw food thing - but the group that was hosting that table seems a little tweaked out on something - could it have been too much wheatgrass?

and it's always good to buy local produce -
I think that was the main go-home message from the day.

oh - and kettle corn is delicious. Thanks Chris for coming with me!

1 comment:

inthemiddle said...

love this post. hope "what i learned..." become a feature. those waterfalls are GORE-juss!!